While a tuxedo and preference for martinis are not required criteria, I do have a few James Bond influenced expectations regarding our rendezvous. Confidence, respect, and just the right touch of grace— no need to feel like you are navigating a high-stakes mission. Whether you're introducing yourself with a touch of mystery or planning your approach with care, following these tips will help us avoid any 'villainous' blunders.

Bond appreciates the thrills a recognition of mutual respects can command- especially when it comes to no questions asked. Let's help one another maintain our covers.
I do not save screening info
I do not permit online reviews
Communique on the wires about scheduling should be kept clean & brief indiscreet or suggestive vernacular or code choices may result in cessation of contact.
I will explicitly ask your permission prior to capturing any photo records of our time
I expect to be treated like a Bond girl—charming, respected, and never left with any concerns of welfare. Be a gent and
Text your room number at least one hour prior to our rendezvous
Please wait to open/order my beverages until I've arrived

Confirmation that the mission is a go comes in the form of deposit, with the remaining balance due upon mission day arrival. To make the hand-off as seamless as possible, please plan on the following protocol-
Deposits to be paid digitally, via discreet CashApp, Venmo, & Zelle options
Need to limit your digital trail? Ask me about money order & bullion options
Pay in full digitally: available up to 24hrs prior to meet time
Pay in full in person: leave consideration concealed in book, open envelope, or gift bag
Whether it's a Capitol Fun mission or a dream date, Bond understands the importance of presenting himself as well-prepared and composed. His tidiness isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a sign of respect—for himself, for others, and for the task at hand. With this goal in mind,
Arrive freshly showered and with beard and nails cleanly manicured
Wash hands after handling doorknobs & elevator buttons